Give Up A Bad Mood


Here’s how to help cure depression, or a depressive relationship, by using the healing power of positive thinking:

  1. Give up grumbling when your “opportunity clock” goes off in the morning
  2. Give up scaring yourself with “WHAT IF” obsessing that these and these and these bad things will happen to me when…”
  3. Give up focusing on what you don’t have and instead focus on what you would like to have happen TO/BY YOU for a change
  4. Give up whacking yourself 20 lashes with a wet noodle for “ALWAYS failing”
  5. Give up being so damn NICE all the time…set some limits
  6. Give up telling mean people what they want to hear…tell the truth
  7. Give up getting even, or punishing yourself, which puts you behind
  8. Give up any past programmed memory that runs your present day
  9. Give up surrounding yourself with takers and losers
  10. Give up trying to change others who WON’T (not “can’t”) change

Stop waiting for the prince or princess to arrive, the magical amulet to give you special powers, the big financial windfall, the “quick fix” easy diet, the PURRfect romantic partner who has no baggage or a life situation that won’t splinter your heart when you give to life all you’ve got.

Dr. Dennis O’Grady is a Dayton, Ohio, communications consulting psychologist and the author of TALK TO ME

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