“Change: Give IT a Chance!”

By a necktie vote, the motto “Change: Give IT a Chance!” will be featured on my coffee mugs after winning a slogan contest this month.

The National Management Association (www.NMA1.org) voted during a change management workshop on their favorite motto to help keep “up” during down times. And my very own “Go The Extra (S)mile!” award goes to Mary Lykins, Betsy Combs and John Hojancki. Way to BE! Last but surely not least: The very special recipient of my “Dare to Care!” award goes to Amarshi Bhungalia. A big round of applause to all of you! What a powerful conference!

The focus of the workshop was “Challenges, Changes and Common Sense” or how to use your common sense for a change. John Alston (www.johnalston.com) was the trainer for the day. John “is a pleasure and a treasure” who inspired the group all day long! He is the author of Stuff Happens (and then you fix it). We share in common that we both think the world of our teenagers today! As I said during my warm-the-audience-up keynote: “John has a common sense approach to changing your life that will net you dollars.

“I handed out a business card with another one of my favorite change slogans in blue: “The Only Thing We Can Change is Ourselves!”

The luncheon speaker was Dan Young from Young’s Dairy Farm (www.youngsdairy.com), a wonderful place in the country that brings together people from all walks of life to relax and let go of pressures for a change. Dan loves change! In my opinion, Dan’s middle name is “change.” So I dubbed him Dan “Change” Young. Looking forward to bringing my wife and three daughters out again for all the fun soon in Yellow Springs, Ohio, (www.yellowspringsohio.org) again real soon, Dan!

Why NOT become a student of change? Why even give change a chance?

Because change experts know that the surest route to happiness is to grow and change. If you’re not changing, it’s simply a matter of time before you lose out in a big way that you don’t deserve. Why not make up your own mind about yourself? Why not run your life with these words of gold from Ghandi: “Be the change you seek to see in the world!”

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