NegaTalkers: People At Work Who Drain You

Are you bullish on negative news or positive news in the workplace? Do you stand by as an energy thief sticks a siphon in your communicator car gas tank, sucks your juicy motivational energy dry, and makes your get up and go, well, all gone and spent? Is your office space a place negatalkers come to vent about the latest work woe, scandal or gossip tidbit? Then chances are, you might be your own worst energy-draining enemy.


I’m not blaming everyone who is negative, because that alone’s their full-time job. I’m just saying that you’ve got to give your energy a chance, and turn off negative talk news stations at work. How to know if you’re a negatalker, or a condoner of negatalking:

1. EXTREMISM. Negatalkers blows things WAY out of proportion in ways that speak of lurking disasters and unmitigated emergencies.

2. WORRY WART. Negatalkers focus a 100-power magnifying telescope on even the smallest of worries in your brain, and thus turn a rolling snowball into an avalanche that all but kills the hope of personal change.

3. ROAD TAR. Negatalkers’ “psychocritiques” stick to you like tarry black goo or goop on your bright blue or burnt orange communicator car. “You should make me happy!” is the whine used to promote feeling good about bad feelings and taking on a pessimistic life view.

4. WET BLANKET. Negatalkers throw a wet blanket over the burning passions and talents that could easily produce positive, powerful results in your work world.

5. MAKE TROUBLE. Negatalkers make trouble for themselves and others, by doing more of what’s not working, and focusing on the little mistakes you and I make instead of the big miracles that positive actions could produce.

6. LINT-PICKERS. Negatalkers are smarty-pants who analyze the lint in their own deep belly buttons or pull on the loose thread in your business suit. At lunchtime, they will hand you a manure sandwich to chomp into, one that says sensitivity is for suckers, and that being truly genuine is a gargantuan bore.

7. LOSS LOVERS. Negatalkers are big Chicken Littles who foretell a future of loss…loss…and more loss, that serves to drag you down and make you frown and drown in an ocean of misery that later you will be blamed for because you’re too “naive” and upbeat on the subject.

8. BIRDS OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER. Negatalkers can’t take a positive person and talker for long, because misery loves company, and negatalkers seek out judging and scandalizing others, plying cynicism and playing pessimism mind games while extracting perverse satisfaction from others’ suffering.

9. LAZY. Yes, negatalkers love to be in control and hate peaceful living that promotes progress and happiness…and they are the world’s best negative but effective communicators. However, negatalkers also avoid work and working, and procrastinate by stirring the pot and thriving on trouble.

Foggy communication highways need your clear and confident communication.


NegaTalkers are LAZY. They also live by their own rules and are control freaks whose insecurity has gotten way out of control. Although cynicism is public enemy #1, that’s exactly what negatalkers take pride in, spreading it around at work like nobody’s business. Negatalkers get out of work, and excellent performance at work, by upsizing the negative and downsizing the positive. Go figure.


Well, surely you’ve learned by now that ultimately it’s your job to make yourself happy and pursue your heartfelt goals that will make your workplace a more positive place to work because YOU are going around being the positive person you are. So, how to get your happy back? Close your gas cap when negatalkers are sucking your motivation dry, and drive off down the road of positive and effective two-way communication that realizes potentials instead of driving them into the nearest ditch.


Dr. Dennis O’Grady provides management communication training to companies and keynotes on positive and effective communication to organizations, using the “Talk to Me” communication system. Dr. O’Grady is a communications psychologist from Dayton, Ohio, USA. He teaches that Empathizer communicators more easily “pick up” a negative passenger who talks non-stop about all sorts of negative things that will really rarely ever come true. In contrast, their tough-minded and thicker-skinned Instigator colleagues don’t feel as guilty clicking off the negative news stations on the radio. Both communicator driver’s need to “drop off” a negative passenger who stands against making good things happen company-wide. Both communicators can say or do some pretty stupid things when clear communication becomes foggy, as the “We team” becomes the “Me Team” and we run out of gas and need to call a tow truck. E-typers and I-typers both lose their bearing when their energy runs dry, and difficult emotions run high. The “Talk to Me” communication system is designed to help you and your team get on the road again to produce better results. It also teaches you how to fill your gas tank before you feel like you’ve failed at everything except being a failure.

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