The Change Game: How to Win in These Fast-Changing Times

Change has a bad reputation in our society. But it isn’t all bad-not by any means. In fact, change is necessary in life-to keep us moving…to keep us interested…to keep us growing. Imagine life without change. It would be static…boring…and dull. When people feel stuck and frustrated, it is often their fear of change that […]

The Change Game

How to Win in These Fast-Changing Times Change has a bad reputation in our society. But it isn’t all bad-not by any means. In fact, change is necessary in life-to keep us moving…to keep us interested…to keep us growing. Imagine life without change. It would be static…boring…and dull. When people feel stuck and frustrated, it […]

Communication — A Strategic Poker Game?

I’M JUST A DUMB SALESMAN…JUST PUT IT TO ME IN ENGLISH Do you view communication as a strategic poker game or like playing a good game of chess? I coach many executives who do just that. For example, Pete, a forty-something sales leader, put his spin on making communication strategic: “I view business as a […]

Are You Ready To Change?

Serious about change? Give up your security blanket and reach those cherished New Year’s goals. If you’re really ready to change, you’ll answer yes to the following questions. If you find yourself answering, “Yes, but…,” you’re still bucking, resisting and fearing change and probably at a standstill. Work toward changing your negative beliefs into positive […]

Spurring Yourself On To Change

A recent relationship communications client and new convert to the concept of embracing change initially had this to say about the miracle of change: “Change is a daunting task. I don’t stick through and finish things. Why can’t change be easier? I ignore problems and dig my own hole and then walk right into it. […]